Sunday 19 April 2009

Woke this morning to find the sun streaming into the dining room/study.Beautiful..doesn't it make you feel good to see the play of light on your home and garden?Pity I had no time to sit and while away some time,but have to get off to work pronto.
The rose painting is my latest car boot find..a large oil from the 50s all for £15.The painting is lovely and has great texture too,I am sure it is set to become a real favourite with me."More roses" laughed the boys.Ah well, it is an innocent enough hobby..hurts no one. And my youngest left me a sweet note in the kitchen.He had run out of tracing paper for some design work for school.I had a roll of baking paper that did the job. "love you Mum,"he wrote.I am a happy gal on my way to work.

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